In this one-day event, you’ll get to try out THREE different careers and learn about the women who have those jobs. From creating new pudding flavors to designing a catapult, you’ll get the chance to learn about science-related careers – some that you may not have even known existed before you came to EYH! When you sign up for EYH, you’ll rank your top career interests.
Choose from these Careers on your Registration Form:
“Math is Everywhere” |
Biological and Life Sciences |
Computers in Science |
Engineering |
Environmental Science |
Health and Medicine |
Physical Sciences |
On the day of the EYH Conference, you will join a small group of girls with similar interests and spend the day going to three different career workshops. Most of the workshops are on the UW-Madison campus, but some are held at Edgewood College, Madison College and other local businesses.
Complete your REGISTRATION info today!!