Careers You Can Explore

MATH IS EVERYWHERE Math skills are essential for most careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Biologists use math to analyze data from experiments. Chemists use math to mix up chemical solutions. Computer scientists use math to write computer programs.
BIOLOGY AND LIFE SCIENCES Today’s biologists study everything from disease-causing bacteria to new ways to produce food. Biologists of the future will combine an appreciation for the living world with the breakthroughs of biotechnology to make the world a better place.
COMPUTERS IN SCIENCE Recently, a computer named Watson beat two humans playing the game show Jeopardy!. In our daily lives, computers are everywhere; in science, computers are used to communicate information to scientists and the public at large, gather data, predict new trends (like the weather), and find cures for diseases.
ENGINEERING Engineers work together to design, create, build, improve, invent — everything from heart valves and hand-held computers to energy-efficient vehicles and flood control structures. Building trades include architects, plumbers, welders and contractors.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE People in this field use the biological and physical sciences to keep water and air clean and to protect valuable natural resources. People who understand how to preserve and improve the quality of our environment work in may places from cities and towns, to parks and wild areas – even on the ocean!
HEALTH AND MEDICINE Health care workers are found in hospitals and clinics, schools, laboratories and anywhere people need advice about staying healthy. This field includes medical researchers, doctors, therapists, medical technicians and many other careers.
PHYSICAL SCIENCES From the rocks of Mars to the inside of the atom, people who work in the physical sciences help us learn more about our world and universe. Physical sciences include astronomy, chemistry, physics, geology and meteorology.